Memory Foam User Reviews

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icomfort mattress doesn't hold up

Serta iComfort

Jan 8, 2012 8:19 PM
My husband and I bought a icomfort Insight mattress. We wanted a tempurpedic type mattress, but were a bit put off by the "official" tempurpedics price. Because of the lower price of the icomfort brand it seemed like a good option for us. We tried the insight in the store and liked it a lot.

This is hopefully an unbiased account of our experience with this matteress since it was delivered.

The mattress came and looked wonderful. It felt just like it had in the store. It did have a smell reminiscent of wet paint, but we had heard other people mention this and were not surprised. The smell resolved in about three days and after a week we really couldn't smell anything.

The mattress sleeps a bit hot but we had also heard this beforehand and were not surprised by this. I am a "hot" sleeper and didn't find it horribly uncomfortable due to any increased heat.

Now for the main problem...

The main problem we had with the mattress is that after about a week...yes a week...much of the support had gone out of the area we slept in. When we got out of the bed the mattress would rebound, but when we sat or lay in it we would sink...a lot. The areas of the mattress we didn't sleep on (the middle and very sides/end of the bed) were still firm, while the areas we slept in seemed to have lost most of it's support. Sometimes I like to sleep on my stomach and it was just impossible. Since their was so little support, my back would just sink, making it really painful.

I will say that if I slept on my back or side it was still fairly comfortable, but I wasn't willing to go the next 10 years without sleeping on my stomach. I also worried about how it would hold up long term. If so much support had gone out in just afew weeks I don't see how it's supposed to last 10 or 15 years.

I think Serta needs to do a bit more work on this mattress. We returned ours to the store after the trial period and the manager said two other people had also returned theirs saying it had become too soft. We ended up paying more money to buy a tempurpedic.

I think if you are considering buying this bed you may want to wait a year or so to see if this fast softenening/losing of support is an overall isue with the icomfort line. It's too much money to spend to get a mattress which won't last.

Date Purchased: 10/2012
Price Paid: $1
Recommend: No


Less expensive thans other tempur type mattresses
New mattress smell resolved quickly


Held up failed in one week
Absolutly could not sleep on my stomach
Slept a bit hot


Serta iComfort

Jan 5, 2012 6:27 PM
I second guessed myself and bought the iComfort instead of the other foam mattress because of the price. We've had the mattress (revolution) since Labor Day 2011 (it's now Jan, 2012) and I can't stand sleeping on this bed! I wake up with head aches, neck aches, and my hip has been hurting me since September. We just returned from a 5 day cruise and oddly enough, I slept well and my pains didn't bother me until today when I woke up from an afternoon nap (first time back on the bed in a week).
I purchased the dual reclining beds which is really nice except the King comes in two twin mattresses and it's not too convenient for an "active" couple;-).
I had read the reviews and I thought I did all my homework, but this bed was a BUST for me and I am very disappointed with it.
I've just ordered a new mattress and hopefully it will finally be the right one...I can't wait to have a good nights sleep again.
Oh yeah, my wife doesn't sleep well on the bed either but she does enjoy the convenience of reading in the reclining bed.
Date Purchased: 09/2011
Price Paid: $6
Recommend: No


Reclining / vibrating frame option


Everything else

Buyer Beware!

Serta iComfort

Jan 1, 2012 10:41 AM
For the first time in our lives, both my husband and I have developed similar lower back, hip & leg pain after sleeping on this mattress for only 4 months. It was extremely comfortable at first (in spite of the gaseous odor we had to endure for several weeks.) But by the 3rd month, both of us were limping out of bed in the morning. We thought we had a flu-type virus, but the symptoms continued and worsened over the weeks. By then, we were both rolling to the center of the (queen) bed, and we are not 'big' people. In effect, the bed had become one huge hammock with no back support. We tried putting pillows between us to prevent rolling into each other. But still I found myself clinging to the harder edge of the bed and sleeping on a slant to the center. My husband moved to the guest room with the inner spring mattress. Immediately, his pains diminished, and after a few days are almost gone. I've tried sleeping with an inflated pillow under my lower back, and that helped somewhat, but the leg pain and toe numbness persists. Thoroughly convinced now we have a mattress problem, we returned to the store the day after Christmas. As we were 10 days past our 'not hassle return' window, they told us there was nothing they could do for us. (After spending $2,000 ???) Sorry! Now, I'm working with corporate headquarters of the retail store to resolve this issue. As far as we're concerned, this product presents a consumer health issue.
Date Purchased: Aug. 16, 2010
Price Paid: $0
Recommend: No




No support; it's nothing more than a big, expensive hammock.
Have developed back pain for the first time in our lives.