Sleep Ez 8500 User Reviews


Brand: Sleep Ez
Showing 7 to 7 of 7 reviews. 8500

Sleep Ez 8500

Dec 26, 2008 6:56 PM
Joined: Dec 26, 2008
Points: 15
I purchased this mattress after reading several positive reviews about the company, and have had nothing but disappointment and regret. The whole experience started off wrong when did not put my whole address on the packages, despite having it correct on the invoice, and I had to contact UPS to give them the correct address. This delayed delivery by about 1 week.
When I finally got the mattress, the order was partly wrong. I had been sent 1 king size layer, instead of a queen. They were quick to send out the correct layer, but got the address wrong again, and delayed the delivery again. Getting the layer back into the box to send back has been impossible, and I'll likely have to purchase a larger box, out of my own pocket, to send it back.
The quilted cover is good, probably the best part about the mattress, but the layers are slightly bigger than the cover, so the mattress is bulging along the edges. Which I could overlook if the mattress was good, but it isn't. I have seen better mattresses on sofa beds. Maybe I just don't like latex, but the bottom line is this mattress feels like a generic product that is $1,000 cheaper than the name brand equivalent. Maybe if I exchanged a few layers around I'd be happier, but the hassle of cramming the old layer back into the tiny boxes they come in and paying for it to be shipped back is more than I'm willing to do. I will be returning the entire mattress, and going with a name brand in the future.
Date Purchased: 12/08
Price Paid: $1300
Recommend: No


Quilted mattress cover, friendly staff.


Confused shipping department, and cheap feeling mattress.
This review was modified Aug 24, 2011 by Admin