Simmons Beautyrest World Class User Reviews

Beautyrest World Class

Brand: Simmons
Type: Innerspring
Showing 4 to 6 of 7 reviews.

big mistake

Simmons Beautyrest World Class

Feb 23, 2007 12:48 AM
Terrible worst mistake ever made,after 2-3 months its got a bad dip,no lumbar support, and big hump in center.Been argueing with co. trying get something done about it.Run from it.
Date Purchased: 10/06
Price Paid: $1000
Recommend: No


felt good when got it


after a couple of months breaks down

Bad Choice

Simmons Beautyrest World Class

Dec 16, 2005 2:29 PM
This is the second mattress that was delivered to our home with the same problem. If you like waking up bunched up with your partner and sleeping in a hammock then this is the mattress for you!!!
Date Purchased: 3/4/05
Price Paid: $1100
Recommend: No




Loss of center support.

No-flip nightmare

Simmons Beautyrest World Class

Mar 16, 2004 9:07 AM
We purchased our top-of-the line Beautyrest mattress last February. It was our Valentine's Day gift to each other.

After visiting (2) different Sleepy's mattress stores, the model we selected was the Simmons' world-class "Druscilla". (In hindsight, we should have listened to the salesman at the second store. He told us, "If you buy this mattress, you'll be back here in a year, buying another mattress". We ignored his comment because his overall attitude was awful and we felt that he was trying to make us spend more money on a different brand.)

The king-size set's price ended up being around $1600. It was Simmon's BEST model and came with their highest number rating for their 'do-not-disturb' index.

The first few months, the mattress was a dream. But like so many other unfortunate Simmons owners, the dream was short-lived. You guessed it.....The craters developed and became increasingly worse, forcing you to remain in the same spot on the mattress. Both of us are side-sleepers and I truly believe that the coil support within in the mattress has weakened but one cannot see it because of the pillowtop.

6 months after owning this mattress, I began experiencing muscle spasms in my lower back and shoulders and have been visiting a Chiropractor ever since. I never considered it could be on account of this cratered torture device. A month ago, I went on vacation and during my week's stay sleeping in a different bed, all of my neck, shoulder and back pains went away. The first morning after being back home and sleeping in our bed brought the return of my nagging body aches. Within 30 minutes of laying in bed, my hip aches so bad that I have to turn over. This constant flipping to aleviate hip discomfort has prevented me from feeling like I've had a restful night of sleep, in ages.

If you are reading this review, PLEASE take my experience into consideration if you are contemplating purchasing a Simmons Beautyrest, no-flip, pillow-top mattress. You WILL regret your purchase and will find yourself in the market for a replacement.

After extensive research regarding mattresses, I have just placed an order with a company called, "Flobeds". I can't wait for our new latex bed to arrive.

Luckily, bulk trash pick-up in my neighborhood isn't far off and you can be assured that our Beautyrest is going to be curbside.
Date Purchased: 2/2003
Price Paid: $1600
Recommend: No


Seemed to be a well-made, firm, pillowtop.


Didn't last a year