Savvy Rest Serenity User Reviews


Brand: Savvy Rest
Showing 4 to 6 of 46 reviews.

Sleepless in Chicago

Savvy Rest Serenity

Nov 12, 2015 3:32 PM
Location: Chicago
Purchased a Savvy Rest exactly one year ago and, for the past year, I have not had one single night's restful sleep--despite trying several costly "fixes" that the dealer recommended.

The first week I was in excruciating pain while I slept. The dealer said it was just that I had to get used to the mattress. After SIX MONTHS of being in pain, I finally started looking at fixes. (Savvy UNrest is one of the few latex manufacturers who don't offer an exchange or return policy. NOW I know why: their beds are awful and the would be out of business if the had an exchange policy.)

Worse, after only seven months, the side of the bed on which I slept started to sag. Badly. (I'm not a heavy person; I'm 5'6 and weigh 120.) The not-so-savvy SavvyRest dealer in suburban Chicago said that was normal, and all I had to do was flip the latex top layer. He acknowledged that by flipping the top layer, the feel would be much different--likely firmer. (Firmer like cement is more like it!)

So, I just switched to the other side of the bed. Sure enough, give months later, THAT side of the bed now sags.

Additionally, the cover is horribly uncomfortable (It's VERY stiff and thick), and defeats the purpose of sleeping on a latex mattress, which should "cradle" you.

The non-existent exchange policy left me stuck with this mattress so, as I said, I tried every (very expensive) fix the dealer recommended. Now, a year later, I am stuck buying another mattress--this time from a latex company that offers a sleep guarantee.

I wouldn't have a Savvy UNrest GIVEN to me for free!
Date Purchased: 10/2014
Price Paid: $0
Recommend: No


Well...I suppose no offgassing is one.


Mattress cover is VERY stiff and thick--even after one year of use.

Mattress sags after six months.

NO sleep guarantee.

Savvy Rest just tries to keep selling you expense "fixes" to offset their poor quality beds.

This review was modified Apr 7, 2016 by

Smelly mattress

Savvy Rest Serenity

May 19, 2015 9:56 PM
Location: Washington DC
Overall a bad purchase. The mattress sleeps adequately but has a tendency to smell, something the showroom alludes to when they say you should not wash the outside of the mattress. It is a regretful purchase.
Date Purchased: Nov 2014
Price Paid: $2500
Recommend: No


The mattress itself is fine and does help my back.


The smell is bad and will lead me to purchase a new mattress much sooner than the last one as it needs to be purchased quickly. The smell is getting worse as spring continues.
This review was modified Jul 10, 2015 by

The best bed ever!

Savvy Rest Serenity

Jan 21, 2015 3:22 PM
Joined: Jan 21, 2015
Points: 0
The Savvy bed is absolutely the most comfortable bed I have ever owned/slept on. When I wake up in the middle of the night, I never have any trouble going back to sleep. And when I wake up in the morning, I have to drag myself to get out of bed. I just want to lie there and daydream (or fall back asleep). It really is great!
Date Purchased: June 2014
Price Paid: $7500
Recommend: Yes



This review was modified Jan 21, 2015 by Admin