Englander Tension Ease User Reviews

Tension Ease

Brand: Englander
Type: Innerspring
Showing 4 to 4 of 4 reviews.

Super comfortable and durable

Englander Tension Ease

Apr 4, 2012 6:48 PM
I have had my Tension ease / Essence for six years now and I recently went into a mattress store called dreamaker in Chicago. the one on the floor and my bed STILL feels exactly how the new floor model in the store felt. Unlike my last mattress, it still has not dipped down in the center and it still feels brand new. I recommend this bed over Simmons
Date Purchased: 02/2006
Price Paid: $1295
Recommend: Yes


Very comfortable, durable and does not get hot like some other latex beds do.


I thought it was expensive when I bought it but it realy isn't considering what beds cost now a days. Englander as a brand should promote themselves more.