Preference to buy your mattress via the web or local store?
Mar 21, 2012 10:51 AM
Joined: Mar 4, 2012
Points: 4
Blockbuster has been replaced with NetFlix, Redbox and others.  Will local mattress stores ever be replaced by these e-Mattress stores?  I say no because one must touch and feel a mattress.  You can't just click and say 'oh that looks comfy'.  Give me some feedback here please....
Re: Preference to buy your mattress via the web or local store?
Reply #5 Mar 21, 2012 4:27 PM
Joined: Mar 20, 2012
Points: 28
aerial_22 wrote:

SRNH, can you provide some local companies in the Austin, TX area?

Taylor bedding is a Texas company with some very nice products. Their mattresses are carried at Zanzibar's, Simply Austin and Matrezzz Guys.

SleepWorld ( ) has some nice materials in their mattresses and they are made right in Austin.

Hope those help.

Re: Preference to buy your mattress via the web or local store?
Reply #6 Mar 21, 2012 4:34 PM
Joined: Mar 20, 2012
Points: 28
Aerial also do not forget you can haggle. If you can't get a discount at least haggle for free delivery, mattress pads, sheets.

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