Preference to buy your mattress via the web or local store?
Mar 21, 2012 10:51 AM
Joined: Mar 4, 2012
Points: 4
Blockbuster has been replaced with NetFlix, Redbox and others.  Will local mattress stores ever be replaced by these e-Mattress stores?  I say no because one must touch and feel a mattress.  You can't just click and say 'oh that looks comfy'.  Give me some feedback here please....
Re: Preference to buy your mattress via the web or local store?
Reply #1 Mar 21, 2012 1:05 PM
Joined: Mar 20, 2012
Points: 28
After years of going to the "sleep stores" or department stores for mattresses I finally did some real research. Local/Regional manufacturers are the best bets for truly high quality bedding. Here in the Northeast you can look at companies like Gardner Mattress, Portland Mattress Makers, Daly Bros (Maiden Maine), Yankee Mattress Factory and many others. They make great products with multiple options from basic innerspring to latex.
Re: Preference to buy your mattress via the web or local store?
Reply #2 Mar 21, 2012 3:20 PM
Joined: Mar 21, 2012
Points: 8
I would have to say I'm in the camp that still needs to be able to test out a mattress before making a decision. Even with all of the great local mattress manufactures I keep hearing so much about, at the end of the day I would still need to be able to test out the mattress to determine if it meets my comfort level.
Re: Preference to buy your mattress via the web or local store?
Reply #3 Mar 21, 2012 4:09 PM
Joined: Mar 20, 2012
Points: 28
aerial_22 wrote:

I would have to say I'm in the camp that still needs to be able to test out a mattress before making a decision. Even with all of the great local mattress manufactures I keep hearing so much about, at the end of the day I would still need to be able to test out the mattress to determine if it meets my comfort level.

Almost all have local showrooms and some have showrooms in other towns too.

Re: Preference to buy your mattress via the web or local store?
Reply #4 Mar 21, 2012 4:14 PM
Joined: Mar 21, 2012
Points: 8
SRNH, can you provide some local companies in the Austin, TX area?
Re: Preference to buy your mattress via the web or local store?
Reply #5 Mar 21, 2012 4:27 PM
Joined: Mar 20, 2012
Points: 28
aerial_22 wrote:

SRNH, can you provide some local companies in the Austin, TX area?

Taylor bedding is a Texas company with some very nice products. Their mattresses are carried at Zanzibar's, Simply Austin and Matrezzz Guys.

SleepWorld ( ) has some nice materials in their mattresses and they are made right in Austin.

Hope those help.

Re: Preference to buy your mattress via the web or local store?
Reply #6 Mar 21, 2012 4:34 PM
Joined: Mar 20, 2012
Points: 28
Aerial also do not forget you can haggle. If you can't get a discount at least haggle for free delivery, mattress pads, sheets.

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