Sleepez vs. Flobeds and other more expensive brands..
Apr 19, 2010 12:41 PM
Joined: Apr 6, 2010
Points: 3
I  have seen several postings on why Sleepez seem to offer the same products at lower prices than the competitors, and I just wanted to offer my observations.

1st, I have been sleeping on Sleepez's Organic Select 10000 with matching foundation for about a week and I absolutely love it! I highly recommend it to anyone who is "on the fence" or thinking that the more expensive brand is better quality.

2nd. For anyone considering purchasing a Flobed or other higher priced bed because they think that it will be a higher quality product, please do your research first. I believe Sleepez mentions on their website that they use the exact same manufacturers as the big S brands. This means almost identical mattresses!

Also, look at Latex International's website. They have a product page where they list all the companies that they manufacture for, and Flobeds as well as a number of other companies are LI's clients. There is no difference in the latex being used in Sleepez's much cheaper beds than Flobeds or any of the others!

Save your money, buy a Sleepez! I've slept better in the last week than I have my entire life!

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