I'm going to be getting this latex mattress, with Latex International foam....
Jan 17, 2012 11:18 PM
Joined: Jan 17, 2012
Points: 18

Does it look like good quality? How about the company, how does that look as well? Just looking for your input! Thanks

Re: I'm going to be getting this latex mattress, with Latex International foam....
Reply #27 Jan 26, 2012 4:57 PM
Joined: Aug 30, 2011
Points: 55
tjstogner wrote:

Hey guys- I called the assembly company that healthy choice uses, restopedic, (they put the mattresses together) and they confirmed that it's the 100% natural blend from LI, rather than the natural/synthetic blend. Mattress is being custom made and will arrive in approx 3 weeks! 25 year Warranty covers 3/4 of an inch of an impression.

The Natural Blended it 100% Natural Latex blended with Synthetic, which is still a great product. It done this way just to bring cost down a bit.

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