Flobeds Airbed?
Oct 13, 2010 11:20 PM
Joined: Sep 18, 2010
Points: 59
I've been sleeping on an Aerobed while I wait for my Sam's Club American Sleep Organic Mattress (latex) to get here, which supposedly is tomorrow.

I've slept on this aerobed on and off several times the past year, and I'm always amazed by how well I sleep on it compared to "real" beds that cost infinitely more money.  This isn't to say that I sleep perfectly on it, though, its definitely not a permanent solution for me.  Although at a cost of fifty bucks...I do think about it!

I was on flobeds website tonight and discovered that they have a latex airbed.  The air bladder is zoned, so that you can have a different setting under the hip area, which is where most air beds hopelessly fail.

So...has anybody tried one?  If not, why not?  This seems like almost the perfect solution...if the latex isn't supportive enough hip area, just adjust the air bladder underneath it for more support.  Or if its too supportive in the shoulder, reduce it.  And if one person doesn't want the air, they can replace it with latex.  Seems like this would alleviate (at least somewhat) the endless latex exchanges.

I can't figure out from their website whether the adjustable air bladder ends up having 6 adjustable zones (3 on each side), or what, so I may have to contact them tomorrow on that.

Pending further research, I pretty much decided when I ordered the Sam's Club bed that if it didn't work out, it was time for a flobed.  I also may be getting my daughter a new bed, so I may end up with a Flobed regardless.  So I'm anxious to hear any experiences or thoughts about this flobeds airbed, and perhaps why you would prefer or not prefer it to an all latex mattress.  Thanks!!

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