Can someone list pros and cons of all latex mattress vs. innerspring + latex toppers
Apr 22, 2011 6:53 PM
Joined: Mar 25, 2011
Points: 30
Hi all.

I'm flip flopping back forth on the idea of buying an all latex mattress vs. just buying a medium quality level firm innerspring with the least amount of foam and adding latex toppers. It seems so much cheaper than buying all latex?


What are the pros and cons of going each route? if there is a thread already on this, just point me to it. I have searched the forum but nothing exact came up.

Here are some that I thought of:

All Latex bed Pros:
should last longer than an innerspring?
made with fewer chemicals
can configure the layers if you buy from a company that allows it

All Latex bed cons:
more expensive
can be tricky to get the layers right

Innerspring + Latex Pros
should be less expensive than all latex
get the benefits of both coil springs and latex
when the foam in it gets depressions you can cut those away and just use the springs + latex toppers

 Thanks anyone and everyone!!!

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