Serta iComfort User Reviews


Brand: Serta
Type: Memory Foam
Showing 112 to 114 of 140 reviews.

Icomfort Revolution

Serta iComfort

Jan 23, 2012 2:21 PM
This is my first time posting a review and would like to give people interested in this product a review after 1 week of ownership. I will continue to post as the months go on.

The mattress was delivered during a snowstorm and we were pleasantly surprised to find no hardening or discomfort with the mattress while under the impression it "would be" due to the cold and sitting out in the delivery truck.

What we did notice however was an odor, fairly strong when you put your nose up to the mattress. Upon further investigation a website noted that 20% of foam mattress owners will notice an odor, from light to very strong. We were in that category for sure. We made sure to take all the blankets and pillows off the mattress when we woke up after the first week to let it air out, because the smell was penetrating the bedding. I found it fairly annoying at first, only when we adjusted the blankets and got a little gust of air from underneath that held the smell in it. But honestly after this first week the smell has slowly started to go away. We did notice an odor with our foam mattress pads we bought years ago for our spring mattresses, and that disipated much more quickly, but obviously they were much thinner in mass. I am sure the odor will disappear completley within the next couple of weeks, we just wish it was warmer so we could open our windows. I will say, the odor is NOT prevelant in the room, you can't walk into the bedroom and say, oh something smells horrible. NOT THE CASE, and we have a small bedroom in a townhome we're renting. And when laying in bed you can't tell, you can only tell if you're smelling the mattress, or laying under the covers with limited air flow.

After sleeping on it a week I am very pleased in the comfort. My fiance had back problems on our OLD mattress and after the first night he was still achey but assumed it was from just trying to adjust. That was the case! After the first night he slept like a baby and so did I. No new aches or pains and we both sleep soundly through the night. There is VERY limited motion transfer, almost none at all, which sometimes freaks me out because we have a 13 lb log of a cat who now jumps on the bed with no movement and then is directly in your face.

The structure of the mattress has remained the same, no falling or indentation, it bounces back quickly and upon laying on the bed conforms to your body quickly. Again we have only had it a week but I plan to continue posting to let people know how the mattress is performing since it is so new to the market.

Overall Review:

I highly recommend this bed. The warrenty is fantastic and the comfort level is fantastic. Again we did fall into that percentage for odor, or foam mattress off gassing, but it hasn't been an issue or annoyance overall. We are starting to leave our blankets on the bed and the smell is starting to go away.
Date Purchased: 01/2012
Price Paid: $1800
Recommend: Yes


Price, Comfort, Aesthetics, Motion Transfer (limited).


Odor (strong initial odor, slowly disipating).

Prodigy i-comfort pros and cons.

Serta iComfort

Jan 20, 2012 11:15 PM
We bought the Prodigy with their box spring , queen. The mattress has the smell, but no big deal. It was very comfortable and still is after 30 days, IF you just lay in one position, We also have the i comfort free pillows that came with the 2500 dollar purchase. But here is the problems. When my wifes cuddles up to me there is a sinking where my body tends to roll toward her impression. So I can not have my own support fit and form separate from her impression left which combines and confuses the mattress leaving two impressions and her leg over mine. It is very hard to sleep together and hug and cuddle without feeling like your sinking into a hole toward the middle. Very disappointing. The next con is -- when I try to get out of bed it is like fighting an uphill struggle. I literally have to push hard and struggle with my body to overcome the gravity resistance on the sllightly inclined edged of the bed to get out. So it is a real effort to get out of bed. I go to the gym 5 days a week, am in good shape and this is still a struggle for me to get out of bed in the night to use the rest room and in the morning. If you lay on the edge for a few minutes it will sink to level out so you can have a uniform level, other than this , it is like rolling uphill .
If this does not change in a few weeks we are going to return our i -Comfort Prodigy.
Date Purchased: 30
Price Paid: $2500
Recommend: No


read my review


read my review. I


Serta iComfort

Jan 19, 2012 1:53 PM
First off, I have tried 4 beds in the last 5 years trying to get a good night's sleep. I have had low back surgery and have rods in my back, so I need support, but I also have RA and need pressure relief otherwise I feel like I'm sleeping on bricks after an hour. So we went on the lookout for something that would work. I loved the feeling of quality memory foam immediately, but my wife and I are both "warm" sleepers, so Tempurpedic wasn't going to work. Then comes the Serta Icomfort line. We tried all of them. there are 5 for those of you that have been at a dealer that only has 3 or 4. We liked the softest one, the Prodigy the best. It's the only bed I have ever laid on my side where my hip did NOT hurt. We tried it for hours at the store and loved every second of it!!! So we ordered it and did get the adjustable foundation as well (HIGHLY RECOMMEND THAT!!!!!!) We received the bed and yes, it's a bit firmer right out of the box, that's because of the air bubbles trapped during manufacturing, but walk on the bed for a few minutes for each of the first couple days and it will be like the show room in 3-4 days. There was a slight odor the first night, but other than shoving your nose in the bed, it's not noticeable, and we keep our door shut during the day. It does take a while for your body to get used to having support literally on every part of your body that is touching the bed, but it's short and once you get used to that, let me tell you, it's the best sleep one could ever hope for. I get 8 hours period, if I move once during the night it's a shock, and I used to toss and turn once an hour for the last 15 years. The adjustable part I'm sure helps with that, as you can literally get into any position that is comfortable for you on any given night. As far as another persons comments on here about using high thread count sheets, um, sorry, that's very incorrect. we were given 600 tc egyptian cotton sheets AND a waterproof mattress protector and both work great with this mattress (someone is feeding you lies, lol) Overall I would rate this mattress and my personal lifesaver. After a few months on the bed, I reduced my meds from over 40 a day down to 3. I now take NO tylenol or ibuprofen at all, and I was maxing out every day prior. I'm really not sure what the complaints are about, as I now have several friends and family that have these beds and ALL of us love them. Some of what I read seems more like they bought the wrong model more than anything, but that's just my opinion! Also, my wife and I have never once considered this bed warm, hot or other. It sleeps exactly the same as our last standard coil bed, maybe even a bit cooler, which is amazing given we sink in much more in this one. A comment my wife made about the bed was she felt like she was getting a hug everytime she went to bed, you just sink and and relax. The massage unit on the adjustable is amazing as well, does tons for relaxing and great for circulation issues!!! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
Date Purchased: 10/2011
Price Paid: $5900
Recommend: Yes


Very pressure relieving, best sleep I have ever had. Adjustable is too awesome to even find words for.


none none none!!! (other than the price, but honestly, knowing what I know now, I would pay double!!!)