SleepEZ 8500 - Dunlop or Talalay Blended 65/35?
Mar 10, 2008 5:59 PM
Joined: Mar 10, 2008
Points: 30
I've been lurking here for a while, and after weighing the positive and negative comments from various posters, and taking into account the money I have to spend, I've decided to buy SleepEz 8500 latex matresses for my mother and myself.

What's holding me back is the decision between Dunlop and Talalay Blended 65/35.  I've gotten the impression that Dunlop is more favored here, yet the guy I spoke to at SleepEz talked up the Talalay. (They're the same price, so the cost would be the same for me.)

I'm 5'10" and weigh 180-185 lbs and sleep on my side. I also sit in bed a lot reading and watching TV. I think medium (30-32 ILD) | firm (38-40 ILD) | extra firm (44 ILD) layers would probably be right for me, and since Dunlop has been favored on this forum, and is supposed to be good at those firmnesses, I'm leaning towards going with Dunlop.

My mother is 5'3", weighs 105 lbs, sleeps on her side, and is elderly. She's accustomed to sleeping on a 25-year-old "Sears-o-pedic Imperial Elite" that's almost entirely polyurethane (even the "box spring" is PU!). I was thinking that for her I might get something softer and hence get Talalay, but I read a post that said Dunlop is closer in feel to PU.

Any thoughts on whether the Dunlop latex would be preferable for the both of us?


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